Graduate Admission Requirements
To apply for admissions at Chadron State College, please follow these steps:
- Visit the Graduate website to view requirements for each of the graduate programs.
- Complete and submit an online Admissions Application on the Application page.
- Official transcripts from the college/university which issues bachelor's degree.
- Official transcripts from any institutions attended after receiving bachelor's degree, if applicable.
*International applicants, please visit the International website
All students wishing to pursue a graduate degree program are required to provide one official transcript from the college/university which awarded the bachelor's degree, as well as any other transcript received after the awarding of the bachelor's degree (even if no credit was earned at the institution, prior to enrollment).
Students may not omit any part of their previous college records, whether part-time or full-time, with or without degree objectives, whether or not credit has been granted, or whether or not they desire to transfer credit.
Chadron State reserves the right to use the National Student Clearinghouse and/or the National Student Loan Data System to verify students have accurately disclosed their academic history. Failure to disclose a complete collegiate record may result in denial of admission and/or federal financial aid or dismissal from Chadron State College.
For more information, contact
Academic Requirements
Chadron State College Graduate School accepts all students who apply on the condition that they earn a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 in the first nine course credits of graduate work. Successful candidates will be in good standing.
Failure to meet a GPA of at least 3.0 starting with the first nine course credits results in one of two outcomes:
- Academic suspension – occurs when the student has earned less than a 2.0 GPA and the student is changed to non-degree seeking.
- Academic probation – occurs when the student has earned less than a 3.0 but 2.0 or greater GPA. Student has one semester or summer session to raise cumulative GPA to 3.0. If unsuccessful, the student will be suspended and switched to non-degree seeking.
Other academic considerations:
- No more than six course credits of graduate work with a grade of 2.0 (C) will be accepted toward program of study. Higher standards may be specified by individual programs.
- All attempted graduate course grades will be counted toward cumulative grade point average.
- Second suspensions will result in dismissal from the CSC graduate program and are non-appealable.
- Academic amnesty is not available at the graduate level.